
Programme Outcomes





PO-1 After the completionof B.A., history scholars will be able to distinguish between primary andsecondary sources and identity and evaluate evidence.

PO-2 Students willdemonstrate in discussion and written work their understanding of differentpeople and cultures in past environments and of how those culture changed overthe centuries.

PO-3 They will be able toproduce their own historical analysis of documents and develop the ability tothink critically and historically when discussing the past.

PO-4 The study of historywill give them the ability to compare and contrast different processes, modesof thoughts and modes of expression from different historical time periods andin different geographical areas.

PO-5 Students will aftermulti-casual explanation of major historical development based on a contextualizedanalysis of interrelated political, social, economical, cultural andintellectual processes.

PO-6 Students will be ableto right and original research paper that locates and synthesized relevantprimary and secondary sources and has a clear, coherent, and plausibleargument, logical structure, proper references.

PO-7 Students will presentorally their research or a summary of another research in an organized,coherent and compelling fashion.



PSO-1 Student will havethe ability to apply historical methods to evaluate critically the past and howhistorians and others have interpreted it.

PSO-2 Students will beable to acquire basic historical research skills, including the effective useof libraries, archives and data bases.

PSO-3 Student will be ableto organised and express their thoughts clearly and coherently both in writingand orally.

PSO-4 Students will beable to demonstrate broad knowledge of historical events and theirsignificance.

PSO-5 Students will beable to recognise how different individuals, groups, organisation, societies,cultures, countries and nations have affected history, history gave thestudents wisdom and foreright for the future. 

PSO-6 Understand the basicthemes, concepts, chronology and the scope of Indian history.

PSO-7 Understand thehistory of countries other than India with comparative approach.

PSO-8 Prepare for varioustypes of competitive examinations.

PSO-9 Acquaint with range of issues related to Indian history that spandistinct areas.